Bodhi’s New Look is an Evolution.

Bodhi High has navigated a dynamic five-year journey, gearing up for a thrilling ascent with a revamped image and an extraordinary array of products! We felt it was time to give the brand a facelift, reconnecting with our devoted followers by blending our roots with a fresh, contemporary vibe.
odhi’s New Look is an Evolution.

The new look retains the essence of Bodhi High’s original design, but with a visually impactful simplification. Our iconic symbol now features the Bodhi lotus adorned with a tiny resin drop, a nod to our product focus. The name has been streamlined to just “Bodhi.” This adjustment empowers us to expand our product line freely. Brace yourself for unexpected additions to our repertoire. 

Exciting  innovations & surprises await.

Bodhi’s new tagline captures those precious moments we carve out for ourselves. We define it as follows: “Whether you have minutes or hours to spare, Bodhi is your companion, transforming the ordinary into the exceptionally great! Elevate the moments that replenish your experiences. Embark on journeys of wonder, enhancing your perception of nature, city life, or even just your couch with your favorites. Take a brief break, find solace, and embrace calm amidst life’s hustle. We aspire to weave these moments into our company ethos, delivering experiences tailored to your needs.

Beyond this, anticipate changes in our packaging, featuring All-In-One vape pens and updated 510 Thread carts, and our expanded apparel line—hats, pins, stickers, tees, hoodies, and sweats. Budtenders and Retailers will be treated to a plethora of fresh print collateral and in-store POP. The full array of Bodhi’s innovations will be unveiled during our latest product launch, with our All In One Vapes. Subscribe for the latest updates on the Bodhi journey. 

Rooted in the past, boldly stepping into the future.